
Some of the assignments & highlights from the Ian Skelton Photography Diary
HERO Challenge Two Rally

HERO Challenge Two Rally

As Will, Historic Endurance Rallying Organisation main photographer is away on their amazing Peking to Paris Rally, I had the pleasure of covering the HERO Challenge Two Rally for them. Not quite the conditions Will has been enduring in dusty deserts.....but it wasn't...

Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2024

Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2024

The Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2024 was the 14th running of the event, my 3rd. The twisty street circuit doesn't always produce amazing racing but there is always a magic about being there. St Devote... Lowes Hairpin (now The Fairmont)... The Tunnel... Rascasse......

Porsche Centre West London

Porsche Centre West London

I have just spent a fantastic few days with the sales team at Porsche Centre West London. The mission was to create sales/marketing imagery for their website.  Such an iconic name conjures up visions of epic Mediterranean road trips. An area in the prep centre was put...

Classic Cars Magazine Hat Trick…

Classic Cars Magazine Hat Trick…

I know I say it every time but seeing my images in print on a magazine shelf is still amazing. This weekend though was a new high... to see my first 'Hat Trick' triple feature of published images in Classic Cars Magazine. Their November 2023 issue, 'The 'Life Cycle'...

HERO Challenge Three Rally 2023

HERO Challenge Three Rally 2023

Back in June I got to cover the launch of their Mustang historic rally car. This week I was really pleased to get the call to travel up to Preston to shoot Historic Endurance Rallying Organisation HERO Challenge Three Rally 2023.... Main Beam.... Ok, now dip them......

Double Feature…

Double Feature…

It's always great to see my images in print on a magazine shelf. This weekend though was a mega buzz... a total surprise to see my first double feature published images in Classic Cars Magazine. Their Sept 2023 issue, 'The List' and 'Life Cycle' featured my images. My...