Personal Projects

Photography for no other reason than it makes me smile...

Personal Projects away from work…

Personal Projects are a photography happy place for me. We can all have busy lives and I think to escape and having a little ‘me time’ every now and then is good for the mind. I really enjoy being a professional photographer but the freedom to shoot purely for fun pushes my creativity.

Wildlife Photography

I really enjoy wildlife photography of any kind, whatever they come wrapped in…. Fur or Feathers! We are lucky in this country to have some stunning wildlife in our gardens and on our doorsteps. Just sit quietly and take a look! From tiny Blue Tits in the garden, dew covered spider webs, bees busily visiting flower after flower. Graceful swans on our rivers, to my personal favourite and our country’s largest wild animal, The Red Deer.

Landscape Photography

I’m not a Landscape Photographer in the true sense of the word. Going out with the sole aim of photographing a landscape is not something I do very often… maybe I should! However I do find myself forced to stop the car, get out and walk back to just stare at amazing scenery. If the camera kit just happens to be in the car, well it would be rude not to!!!

All images on the website and all portfolios are available for sale. If you don’t see them in The Print Shop then just drop me an email for more details on licencing and print options.