
Headshots, Branding and Events Photographer

Photographing people doesn’t have to be traditional portrait style

Quite often find myself wondering how a person came to be where they are in that moment I pressed the shutter. Sometimes it’s obvious… hours of training in soldier’s boots, perfectly in time at Changing of The Guard. Years of practice behind the effortless grace of the guitarist’s fingers on the frets. A skilled man with ‘tools of the trade’ in hand. Dedication & sacrifice in a CEO’s profile headshot. 

Sit quietly somewhere with a coffee, look around & see people going about their day. Asking somebody… “Can I take your photo?’ makes them stop doing the very thing that attracted me to take their photo in the first place! Capturing just a small part of a person sometimes… their face doesn’t even have to be in the photo, can still show their whole personality!

Head Shots Photographer

More formal or corporate portrait photography is still be about capturing the person and personality. Company staff headshots or coaching team social media profile images. Or the Managing Director sat at his desk to go onto the company website. A collection of photos to go into an actor’s portfolio for auditions. All different styles of portrait but still able to capture personality.

If you have taken the trouble to read this far and you like my style? Get in touch, let’s have a chat about your portrait photography ideas.

Events Photography

The term ‘Event Photography’ covers just about every event or gathering you can think of. In the commercial world it could be corporate client entertainment days, exhibitions and conferences. Staff incentive days or awards evening. A large news event or national celebration needs images for media. Just as important though are smaller personal events that create memories. The local village fetes and fairs, school sports days or charity events. So many occasions where photographs will capture those moments and tell a story of the day.

Golf Day Photographer

Most of the events I shoot tend to be Sports or Business Activity Days. Tournament golf and Corporate Golf Days. I use my reportage style to capture all the action and atmosphere throughout the day. 

Covering charity fun runs (I use the term ‘fun’ loosely) are great places to capture images of your runners. I have followed corporate teams around a Tough Mudder assault course (12km… I felt like I had run it too by the end!) 

Exhibition and Conference Photography

I have taken photos for clients at large corporate exhibitions and trade shows. Produced great images at amazing charity fund raising events. A journalistic style of photography is really well suited to Conferences. Quietly and discreetly I capture the moments throughout the day of speakers and the delegates.

Do you have an event coming up? Let Ian Skelton Photography add the finishing touch to your day!